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As a Real Estate brand in the key and sustainable development strategy of Gotec Vietnam, Gotec Land is a pioneer in creating new standards of product and service quality for the community. The areas that Gotec Land aims to bring are practical, unique and different, including residential real estate, resort real estate and commercial real estate. With a strong financial capacity and experienced, upright, sensitive and creative staff, Gotec Land constantly affirms its prestigious brand name, dedication, differentiation, helping connect and build community. At the same time, civilized and modern living followed the new trend.
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Name des Projekts
Gesamtzahl der Objekte
Saigon Asiana | Ho Chi Minh City | 286 | ₿1.062 | Sep 2021 |
Name des Projekts
Gesamtzahl der Objekte
Leider haben wir aktuell keine Treffer für Ihre Suchkriterien |