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Burooj Properties was established in 2005 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank. Over the last years, we have built a strong reputation for developing fully integrated communities, offering premium real estate and delivering value to our investors, as we are truly different by quality. Our team of professionals focuses on developing and structuring niche value added real estate investment opportunities, ensuring maximum returns and long-term benefits for our partners. The company currently has assets under management in excess of US $1 billion and has grown to build a diverse portfolio of projects that includes developments in the hospitality, residential, commercial and retail sectors. At Burooj Properties, we are well positioned to address the real estate needs of all our customers under one roof with the help of our affiliate companies.
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Burooj Views | Abu Dhabi | N/A | ₿2.046 | Dez 2012 |
Name des Projekts
Gesamtzahl der Objekte
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